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Pastoral, Mental Health and Well Being Support

The pastoral support team is led by Mrs Wendy Lucking, our Assistant Head Teacher, Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator, and Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead. Her main responsibilities are ensuring support is in place for the safety, well-being and inclusion needs of our pupils. Her work is supported by many staff, particularly our Pastoral and Family Support Officers, Mrs Gaunt and Mrs Parker.

The Pastoral Support Team includes:

  • Mrs Gaunt and Mrs Parker, Pastoral and Family Support Officers.
  • Mrs Gaunt is the Social and Emotional Mental Health Lead, Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and Drawing and Talking Practitioner.
  • Mrs Pryke is our Pastoral Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Goodrich is our SEND and Pastoral Administrator
  • Mrs Farr, who has responsibility for admissions and attendance
Our aim is to:
  • Provide an environment which will support the emotional health and well-being of all the pupils.
  • Support children in developing social, emotional and behavioural skills within the school setting.
  • Support and empower families who may be experiencing difficulties.
  • Promote relationships and interactivity between parents and school, raising parental awareness of learning, the importance of education and regular attendance at school.
  • Meet with parents to discuss and defuse any barriers that prevent pupils from being able to attend school.
  • Provide individual and small group support for children.
  • Help to develop children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills.

Parental Engagement

If you have a worry or concern about your child's learning, emotional well-being or social interaction, please contact Mrs Lucking or a member of her team to discuss these further. Where there is a need, that cannot be accessed within or by school, advice and sign posting can be given to agencies and services, who will be able to provide you with support.

We ask that parents support school by communicating any difficulties their child may be experiencing; without information, we are not able to address the issue.

As well as supporting the above, our pastoral team has links with agencies and other professionals to address the needs of our school and local community. These include Children and Young People Services, Health, Police, Housing, Debt and Legal Advice.

The Pastoral Team have many years’ experience. Remember no problem ever is too small when it involves your child and their overall achievement at school.


Links and Extra Information

ELSA Support

School Nursing Team Website

School Nursing Team Video

Emotional Wellbeing Hub

Suffolk Parent Hub

Parenting Hub Parenting Programmes

Suffolk Info Link Community Directory

Suffolk young Carers

Families in Need Ipswich