Parent Voice
Parent Voice is an opportunity for parents to provide regular thoughts, feedback and suggestions to the school in a quick and easy to use manner. Each term, we will invite views on a focused topic. We value your views and will publish the results of each consultation for you to view.
Parental Quotes
Click the link to read a selection of responses from our Parent View surveys.
Parent Voice Findings
December 2023: School Communication
'I find it easy to communicate to teachers when I need to, either at the classroom door or on the playground at drop-off or pick-up, or using the class email address.'
Of those who took the survey 80% strongly agreed or agreed, 11% were neutral and 9% disagreed. |
The majority of parents / carers said that it was easy to communicate with teachers. If it is difficult to catch the teacher during drop-off or pick-up (we appreciate that Y4, Y5 and Y6 can only do this at pick-up), then the class email is another good way to communicate. Failing this, you can always speak to the admin team and request a phone call from the class teacher. | ||||||||||
'The school is good at communicating what my child/ren will be learning during the course of the year through welcome back letters and year group emails.'
Of those who took the survey 84% strongly agreed or agreed, 11% were neutral and 5% disagreed or strongly disagreed.
The majority of parents / carers said that the school was good at communicating what the children will be learning throughout the year. | ||||||||||
'The school is good at providing me with the information needed to let me know how well my child is doing at school through parents’ evenings, interim reports, end of year reports and books being sent home every term.'
Of those who took the survey 59% strongly agreed or agreed, 24% were neutral and 17% disagreed or strongly disagreed.
Only 59% of parents / carers said the school is good at providing information about how well children are doing at school. Carrying out the survey before our parents' evenings may have affected this outcome. However, this is an area that we will look at closely to see what more the school can do to provide information about how well children are doing. | ||||||||||
'The school is good at providing information about upcoming events through email (ParentMail), our new yearly overview, Facebook/Instagram and the half-termly newsletter.'
Of those who took the survey 91% strongly agreed or agreed, 5% were neutral and 4% disagreed. |
The majority of parents / carers agreed that the school is good at providing information about upcoming events and events that have happened at the school.
We are looking at improving this even further by creating a fortnightly school update that will look back and reflect on the previous 2 weeks and look forward to what is coming up in the next 2 weeks. We hope to have our first edition ready early in the new year.
'The school is good at providing information about events that have happened at school through the newsletter, Facebook and Instagram.'
Of those who took the survey 84% strongly agreed or agreed, 15% were neutral and 1% disagreed.
'The school is good at helping me to understand more about my child's learning by regularly inviting me to school events, e.g. Working Together sessions, Curriculum Coffee Mornings, sports days, school performances etc.'
Of those who took the survey 87% strongly agreed or agreed, 8% were neutral and 5% disagreed or strongly disagreed. |
The majority of parents / carers agreed that the school is good at helping them understand more about what children are learning in school. Our newly introduced Curriculum Coffee Mornings have been successful and we are looking forward to running more of these sessions in the future. | ||||||||||
What time of day would you prefer to receive a ParentMail?
The majority of parents / carers did not express a preference as to when a Parent Mail is sent home. |
February 2023: Online Safety
Thank you for all of the valuable feedback that you provided. The survey found the following trends:
The feedback provided is really useful as it helps to paint a picture of the online habits of the children when they are at home. It has also enabled us to gain an understanding of the knowledge and habits of the parents, too. This will feed into our decision making for how we teach online safety at school.
We are delighted to see that parents are having conversations with their children at home about online safety and are helping to create a safe environment by setting rules, monitoring the children's access and making the most of tools such as parental controls and using privacy and security settings.
We are committed to supporting our parents with online safety. In addition to the current tools that we use, we will be publishing a regular online safety update that will be sent out via ParentMail. |
February 2023: Reading
Here's a summary of the short survey that we conducted with the parents who stayed for a refreshment at the end of our reading themed working together morning.
56% of those who responded considered enjoyment to be their child's primary motivation to read. The second most common answer (16%) was to earn Accelerated Reader points. | |
55% of those whose children are using Accelerated Reader books said that they use AR Home Connect to track their child's progress. 35% said that they were unaware of what AR Home Connect is. | We were particularly interested in what parents would like to know more about. The feedback that we have gathered will feed into our planning for future curriculum coffee mornings. We have also added a parent guide for AR Home Connect onto our reading page. The link to the login page for AR Home Connect can be found on our useful links page. |
27% of those who responded would like to find out more about Read Write Inc., 24% would like to find out more about Accelerated Reader and 21% would like to find out more about AR Home Connect. |
November 2022: Annual Parent Survey
94% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that their child is happy at school. 2% responded 'don't know'. | Although we are happy that the overwhelming majority of parents feel that their child is happy and safe at school, we would urge any parents who do not feel this way to contact the class teacher in the first instance. Alternatively, please contact the pastoral team. |
96% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that their child feels safe at school. | |
93% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that the school makes sure that the children are well behaved. 4% responded 'don't know'. | |
16% of those who responded stated that their child had been bullied.
7% strongly agreed or agreed that it had been dealt with quickly and effectively. 9% disagreed or strongly disagreed. |
We have reviewed and updated our anti-bullying policy. We will hold anti-bullying weeks termly rather than annually. The school's website will be updated to outline how we manage bullying and the support that is in place. We will also be creating the role of friendship ambassadors. |
95% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that the school makes them aware of what their child is learning about at school. 1% responded 'don't know'. | It is pleasing to see a high percentage of people feel that they are aware of what their child is learning about at school. We will build upon our use of our termly overviews, social media, website and working together mornings by introducing a coffee and curriculum morning in the spring term. |
Of the people who responded, 7% feel that the school does not give their child with SEND the support that they need to succeed at school. | We are pleased the majority of people feel that their child is well supported. If you feel that your child is not supported, please contact our SENDCO. Details of our SEND offer can be found on our dedicated page. |
89% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that the school has high expectations for their child. 6% responded 'don't know'. | We will be using our coffee and curriculum mornings and the parent sessions after our working together mornings to help communicate the high expectations that we have for our children. We will also be adding examples of our high expectations to our website. |
97% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that their child does well at the school. 1% responded 'don't know'. | |
82% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that the school lets them know how their child is doing at school. 4% responded 'don't know'. |
We will be moving our autumn term parents evening so that it aligns more closely with the end of term reports. This will allow progress to be discussed in more detail. As we are in the middle of the academic year, this change will take place in the autumn term of 2023. Teachers can be contacted via the class email address at anytime if a parent would like an update on their child's progress. |
88% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed that their child can take part in a range of clubs and activities. 4% responded 'don't know'. |
Although we are really pleased with the range of clubs that we now have on offer, we are actively looking into increasing the range of clubs for our younger children. This will include further developing links with outside groups. We are also looking to increase the number of clubs after school as the feedback that we have received is that these are more accessible to parents. We will also be adding details of the clubs onto our school website so that parents can get an overview of the clubs on offer. |
84% of the people who responded either strongly agreed or agreed the school supports their child's personal development. 7% responded 'don't know'. | We have added a page to our website that provides details about personal development at the school which we hope will help to communicate what personal development is and how we help to develop this in learning across the school. We will be adding to this page as time goes on. We are also increasing the number of leadership roles for children. |
95% of the people who responded would recommend the school to another parent. |
November 2022: What's Working Well and Even Better If...
Here is a summary of the comments left on our flipchart from our working together morning.
What's Working Well? | Even Better If... |
November 2022: Personal Development
We asked parents who came for a refreshment at the end of our working together morning about personal development.
100% of those who responded strongly agreed or agreed that the school's approach helps to develop personal qualities such as independence, resilience and empathy. | |
96% of those who responded strongly agreed or agreed that the school's curriculum helps the children to understand the world around them. | |
92% of those who responded strongly agreed or agreed that the school fosters the concept of belonging to a community. | The concept of community is really important to us, both in terms of the school community and our place in the local and global community. We are working hard to continue to develop links with the wider community, and this includes visits this term to Alice Grange Care Home, community litter picks, and taking part in art projects around Kesgrave. More details can be found on our personal development page. |
96% of those who responded strongly agreed or agreed that the school helps the children to understand and celebrate diversity. | Celebrating diversity is hugely important to us. We are currently involved in some exciting curriculum development linked to this. We will also start to share with parents what our weekly assembly themes are. |
July 2022: Reflections from Leavers' Parents
We asked the parents of our Year Six children to reflect upon their time at the school. Here is a selection of their responses.
What do you feel your child has enjoyed most about their time at Heath?
PGL! Some really great teachers and support staff. Always supportive & understanding. She has made lots of friends & really enjoyed the extra curricular activities like netball & drama.
Having a lovely teacher.
Becoming more confident.
Her teachers and meeting new friends.
The grounds, environment, rewards and teachers.
What has your child achieved at Heath that makes you feel proud?
Always being recognised for their achievements, however small.
Becoming Heath Ambassador and a Heath news reporter. I am also proud of the excellent attitude she has developed to her learning which is all down to the school.
Her handwriting has come on so much; her workbooks show that she works really hard and she has made some lovely friendships.
Think about all of the things that your child has improved at whilst they've been at Heath. Which of them makes you happy/pleased/proud?
Being a respectful member of society and improving massively on her maths.
Her confidence has grown so much. She has really blossomed at Heath.
It was lovely to see her doing things out of her comfort zone.
His overall improvement has made us proud.
Engaging in a wider range of inter-school competitions.
Mix the classes up at least once during primary school.
June 2022: Reception Induction
100% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that information about the induction programme was clear and provided in good time. | We were very pleased about the positive feedback about our induction programme. We will continue to build upon it in 2022-2023. |
92% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the induction programme provided their child with the opportunity to get to know their new teacher, classmates and classroom. The other 8% stated that they were neutral. | |
85% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the induction programme provided them with sufficient opportunities to visit the school prior to their child starting. The remaining 15% were neutral. | |
What could work better? The feedback that we received was that the small group sizes worked well but it may be nice for the children to meet all of their classmates prior to the summer holiday. |
This is something that we will take into account when finalising our induction programme for 2022-2023. |
January 2022: The School Dinner Menu
The hot dinner option got a higher average rating than the packed/pick and mix option. | |
Taste, nutrition and choice received the highest average scores for the most important elements when constructing a lunch menu. | These will be factored in when we devise our new menu for the Spring Term. |
75% of those who responded said that their children would be more likely to have a school dinner if the school improves the dinner options. | |
There were plenty of suggestions for how the school could improve the school dinner options. |
We decided to create a follow-up survey that incorporates some of the menu suggestions. (See below) There were also other suggestions, such as special themed lunches, that we feel could really enhance our lunchtime offer, and we will be looking to incorporate some of these ideas in the future. |
Follow-Up Survey
Proposed dishes and the average scores: Pasta dishes - 8.97 Rice dishes - 6.09 Traditional potato dishes - 8.36 Fish and chips - 8.87 Other fish dishes - 5.92 Roast dinner - 8.16 Hot dogs and burgers - 7.57 Pizza - 8.16 Pastry dishes - 6.19 Jacket potatoes - 8.26 Subs - 7.69 Wraps - 7.52 |
These scores have provided us with valuable information when creating the new menu. These need to be balanced with national guidance to ensure that certain criteria are met (e.g. a rice dish must be on the menu at least once a week).
In order to provide more choice to the children each day, we will be including jacket potatoes and rolls as an option each day after Easter. |
In the final question, an enhanced fruit platter as part of dessert was the most popular item. | This will be incorporated into our new menu. |
October 2021: The Year Six Residential Trip
To date, this is the survey that has had the most responses, with 150 people letting us know their views. Of those who responded, 80 people preferred the Friday to Monday option. Of those who responded, 34 people preferred the Monday to Friday option. Of those who responded, 36 people had no preference. |
The school will be booking the 2023 trip in the near future. The responses from this survey have been taken into consideration and the book will be booked to run from the Friday to the Monday. Going forward, should the price change significantly or any other important factor change, we will review the arrangements again. |
June 2021: Online Parents Evenings
99% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that booking an appointment was convenient and easy. | |
91% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the video call was an effective way of communicating with the class teacher. |
We received a number of comments from parents stating that they were grateful that the online system allowed appointments to run to time. We received some feedback requesting that the appointments could be longer than the 8 minutes allocated. Going forward, we will extend appointment times to 10 minutes and also re-emphasise that any parents that require longer than 10 minutes can schedule a follow-up appointment with the class teacher, and the online system means that it is possible that the second appointment can be later on the same evening. |
96% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the online system provided the flexibility needed to suit their family's circumstances. | We received very positive feedback from parents about this. It was clear that online appointments suited parents who would have normally struggled to leave work to attend and parents who may have had difficulty with childcare. A number of parents also found it beneficial to be able to hold the meeting with two parents in two different locations - this is something that we will promote more prominently in the future. |
77% of people for whom the question was applicable agreed or strongly agreed that they were contacted swiftly and a back-up appointment made if technical difficulties meant that the original meeting could not take place. | Generally, our teachers were able to make phone calls on the night to the parents experiencing tech issues and were able to have a phone appointment that evening or schedule one for a following evening. Going forward, our teachers now have the ability to re-schedule video appointments themselves, so in the event of there being problems with an online call, the teacher can contact the parent to re-schedule the appointment as a video call, or alternatively have an appointment on the phone instead. |
74% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that they would find it useful if the school continued to use the online system in the future. 13% were neutral and 13% disagreed or strongly disagreed. | Following this consultation, we have decided to keep the online system in the future, with support being provided for any parents who are unable to use the online system. |
February 2021: Remote Learning
94% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the school offered a broad and varied curriculum through remote learning. | |
96% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the teacher delivered clear video inputs that helped their child to understand the content of the lesson. |
We received some great feedback about the video inputs and how they helped the children (and parents) understand the lesson content. We received some comments that the sound for some of the videos was quiet. We invested in microphones for the teachers to use but the sound can dip when the teacher uses the whiteboard. We will investigate whether other microphones work better. |
92% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the remote learning was easy for their child to access and fitted around their family's individual circumstances. | |
96% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the activities that the teacher provided for the children to complete were of high quality that helped their child to learn. | |
95% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the teacher provided clear and regular feedback to their child. | The comments that we received showed that the feedback provided by the teacher for each lesson helped to keep the children motivated. It was also clear that many of you enjoyed being able to see the feedback yourselves. |
91% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the Wednesday fun sessions and the weekly Zoom activities helped their child to connect with the teacher and the other children in the class. | |
100% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that they were able to easily contact their child's class teacher. | We received plenty of comments praising the email system that we put in place. We will continue to use this so that parents can continue to communicate easily with the class teachers. |
87% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that it would be beneficial for their child to have a weekly online lesson that has been recorded by the teacher instead of what has been offered for homework in the past. | Homework activities will now be set using DB Primary. The children will be able to watch a video that has been recorded by the teacher and will introduce the task. The activity will be available online and the work, where applicable can be submitted online too. The teacher will provide feedback to the child using DB Primary. |
November 2020: Behaviour and Attitudes
Thank you for your responses to the survey, which were, on the whole, very positive. Key findings include that: 97% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that their child is happy at school. 97% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that their child feels safe at school. 95% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that their child has friends and feels part of the school community. 95% of respondents stronly agreed or agreed that their child talks positively about their experiences at school. |
94% of those who responded to the survey strongly agreed or agreed that their child is motivated by the rewards that the school offers. 5% answered 'Don't know' and 2% disagreed. A couple of respondents queried the use of sweets as rewards. | Whilst the use of sweets as rewards is not part of our reward system, there are times where members of staff may use them. We have decided to restrict the use of sweets as rewards to special occasions such as class treats - this means that there will be consistency across the school and they will not be used as a general reward. |
64% or respondents strongly agreed or agreed that any concerns that they had raised had been dealt with properly. 29% stated that this was not applicable to them and 6% disagreed. | We have now introduced a system whereby if a parent raises a concern with the class teacher, they will receive a follow-up call or email within a week of the initial conversation. This will enable the class teacher to provide an update to the parent and schedule any further meetings, calls or emails, if appropriate. |
A parent asked whether there were ways that the school could help to further facilitate communication between parents and teachers in a Covid secure way, beyond the conversations that they may have at the beginning or end of the school day. | This is something that we have worked hard on recently. The class email accounts are now a permanent channel of communication and we will also be trialling an online parents evening later in the school year. |
January 2020: School-Home Communication
Close to 90% of those who answered either agreed or strongly agreed that the school makes them aware of what their children learn over the course of the year. | We are pleased that parents feel well informed and are looking to improve this further by continuing to add knowledge organisers onto our website. We are also looking at providing greater detail about our curriculum objectives by linking them to key questions that the children investigate. |
Close to 90% of those who answered either agreed or strongly agreed that the school is good at communicating to them about future events happening at the school. 85% agreed or strongly agreed that the school is good at providing information about events that have happened in school. | We received a request that Facebook is used more widely - for example to share photos of drama performances. This is something that we will actively encourage, although it sometimes dependant on having photo permission for those involved. |
It was suggested that the school provides a calendar of events happening throughout the year.. |
We now send home an events diary as part of our half-termly newsletters and it can also be found on our website using this link: |
75% of those who responded either agreed or disagreed that the school invites them to events in which they can share their child's learning experiences and that this helps them to understand more about their child's learning . | We are looking at ways to develop our 'working together' sessions. This includes having working together mornings as well as afternoons. We have also started trialling information events in the hall at the end of the sessions so that parents can find out more about the learning that happens at school. |
November 2019: Maths and Supporting Your Child at Home
We received lots of positive feedback about the online maths programs that we use and how these help to support maths learning at home. It was nice to hear that new initiatives such as the class vs class TT Rockstars battles have made a positive impact. | We will continue to look at the 'bolt ons' that programs such as TT Rockstars offer and add them to our package if we feel that they will help to continue to support and motivate the children. |
95% of our children use TT Rockstars at home on a weekly basis. | We are very pleased with the home engagement with TT Rockstars and have recently introduced termly awards as an added incentive to keep practising. |
Just over 80% of those who answered feel that they are always or usually confident with helping their children with their maths homework. |
We launched our online maths hub on the maths working together morning and are pleased to see that people are using it to help understand how we teach maths in Key Stage Two. We are in the process of developing it further so that there are written and video guides for Key Stage One too. |
It was suggested that more videos are added to the online maths hub and notifications are sent out to parents when things are added to it. | We will notify parents when significant changes are made to the online maths hub and we will also have demonstrations for how to use it at the end of future maths working together mornings. |
September 2019: Reading and Supporting Your Child at Home
The primary motivation for children reading in our school is for enjoyment. | Reading for enjoyment is something that the school is passionate about. We are committed to continuing to extend our range of books in our library (there are now close to 8000 books in our KS2 library!) and we are also developing our reading areas/displays in classrooms. |
Whilst close to half of parents are aware of Accelerated Reader Home Connect, many are not, and are therefore not using it at home. | We will publicise Home Connect in the Autumn Term so that more parents are able to have access to their children's Accelerated Reader data at home. |
A number of parents requested further information about Accelerated Reader and how it works. | We have created a 'Learning Hub' on our website. We will be developing the reading part of this in the near future and will ensure that we include up-to-date guides about how Accelerated Reader works. |
There was a mixed response regarding how confident parents are when supporting their children's reading at home. | As part of our 'Learning Hub', we will include some school-based strategies to help parents support their children at home. |
March 2019: Maths Homework and Supporting Your Child at Home
We received lots of positive feedback about the maths programs available for the children to use at home - especially TT Rockstars. | We are in the process of redesigning the maths section of our website and, as part of this, we will be adding user guides for some of the programs that the children use at home. This will help parents to become more familiar with the programs. |
On the whole, parents feel that they are usually able to support their child/children with their maths homework. However, there are times when parents would appreciate greater guidance. 93% of those who responded said that they would be in favour of help guides/videos being added to the website. | As part of the redesign of the maths section on our website, we are adding video guides alongside year group specific guides for the written methods that we use in the school. This will provide a reference point for parents and children at home. We are about to start filming and hope to go live with this section of the website in the Summer Term. |
We received a number of other thoughtful suggestions, including holding after school 'classes' for parents to become more familiar with the methods that the children use in school. Thank you for all of your other suggestions too. We will revisit the ideas in the future. | For now, we will concentrate on uploading help guides onto our website but we have also decided to continue to have live demos of the methods at the end of our maths working together mornings. |
December 2018: The School Website and Social Media Follow-Up
We were very pleased to have received so many positive comments about the changes that we have made to the website. We will continue to improve it during the course of the year. | |
The school's website is being used more frequently now that it has been redesigned. Over 75% of you now visit at least once a month, compared to only 55% at the beginning of the term. Close to 40% of people now visit at least once a week. | The school's website will continue to be developed. We will continue to use feedback from the previous Parent View, such as sending out notifications of updates to the website, to help direct parents to parts of the website that they may find useful. |
The most common reason for using the school's website is to find information. | We will continue to ensure that information is easy to find and up-to-date. We will also continue to look at ways to improve other areas of the website such as the part that children and parents can use to support learning at home. |
We received a suggestion that we have a calendar of events on our website. | The new website now has a 'upcoming events' section which gives details of what is happening in school in the near future. The page can be found in the 'Parents' section, or use the link provided here. |
We received a request that the school adds Instagram to its social media platforms. | This is something that we have explored and will let you know of any future developments. |
It was suggested that we use Facebook Messenger as a way to contact the school. | Whilst we love to use Facebook to update parents and family members about what is going on in school, we cannot guarantee that we would be able to respond to Facebook Messenger messages as quickly as emails sent to the school office or by popping into the school office in person. If you would like to send a message to the school, please use where we will be happy to respond to your questions. |
September 2018: The School Website
87% of our parents use a tablet or a smartphone as their main device for viewing the school's website. | The new website is designed to be easier to view on a smartphone or tablet. The primary consideration when adding new content is now how it will look on a tablet or smartphone. |
77% of our parents use Facebook. | We are continuing to further develop our use of Facebook with the aim of giving parents frequent updates of what is going on in school - for example photos of trips, visitors and events happening in the school, and publishing what our growth mindset quote of the week is. |
'Our School' and 'Parents' are the pages that are most frequently visited by parents. | We are working through the pages to improve them further. We are also looking at the other sections that are not used as frequently and reviewing the content in them with the aim of improving them. This is an ongoing process. |
We received feedback requesting that we send emails informing parents of when there is new content on the website. | We have sent a ParentMail out this term detailing the main changes that have happened to the website this term, and what some of our plans are for content in the future. We have also been using Facebook and Twitter to send out regular links to new content, such as new editions of Heath News. We will continue to send out ParentMails when there are major changes to content on the website and will continue to send out updates and links via social media. |
We received feedback asking for photos of children in year groups across the school on the website. | We have launched 'Heath News' this term which is a weekly publication created by our Year Six pupils. It features photos and videos of the main events that happened in school over the course of that week. Over the course of the first six editions, we have managed to include articles for most year groups. We have published a large number of photos on our Facebook page this term and we have also added additional photos to the website this term. Because of the format of the new website, we have been unable to use any older photos because the resolution or aspect ratio is not suitable. Therefore, all the photos added have to be new content. The PFA have funded some new cameras for us to use to increase our photo collection. We aim to add further photos in due course - especially on our 'Nursery and Reception' page. |
96% of those who responded agreed or strongly agreed that the activities that the teacher provided for the children to complete were of high quality that helped their child to learn. |