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Early Help

Effective early helps relies upon us all working together, providing local support as soon as a problem arises at any point in a child's life, from early years through to the teenage years and into early adulthood. Please do not wait until it feels that you are at crisis point as there is plenty of help available if you are struggling.
If you have general concerns about your child, please contact their class teacher via the class email.
If you have more specific concerns about:
  • Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, please see our Special Educational Needs and Equalities page or contact Mrs Lucking, Assistant Head Teacher & SENDCo, via the school office
  • Pastoral Support, please see our Pastoral Support page, or contact a member of the Pastoral Team via the school office
  • Safeguarding, please see our Safeguarding page, or contact a member of the Safeguarding Team via the school office.