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Breakfast and After School Club

Welcome to Jigsaw

Heath School's Wrap-Around Provision for out of school hours

Jigsaw operates from 2 separate areas on the school site:
Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 children are based in the Jigsaw 1 building by the school pedestrian area next to the car park; Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children are based in Jigsaw 2 which is located in the school library, conservatory and Upper Unit Hall.

As a school, we are highly committed to providing the very best out of school care possible and our staff work closely with the children and their families to provide a supportive stimulating environment.

Breakfast Club

Children can be dropped off at Jigsaw from 7.30 onwards. Breakfast Club includes a running buffet style breakfast consisting of a choice of cereals, toast and preserves, fruit, milk and fruit juices. Children are escorted to their classrooms at the start of the school day.

After School Club

The children are collected from their classroom by staff and escorted to Jigsaw. A small snack awaits their arrival consisting of bread, butter and spreads and fresh fruit. A light tea is served from 5pm onwards.

The club has weekly themes and offers a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities daily. We make full use of the school's extensive grounds including the Forest School and pond areas.

Registration and Booking Forms


Regular Booking Form

Jigsaw Registration Form

Jigsaw Policies and Procedures

Reopening of Jigsaw Risk Assessment


Please contact us at school during school hours: 01473 622806

For invoice enquiries and bookings please contact Miss H Thorpe on b4andasc@heathkesgrave.suffolk.sch.uk

To directly contact for messages to staff before or after school :-

Jigsaw 1            07753 431625

Jigsaw 2 & 3     07713 707015