Eco Council
Welcome to the Eco Council's digital board. Here, you can find out about all of the things Heath's Eco Council have been up to.
Our 2023-24 Journey
Suffolk's Greenest Primary School of the Year!
We are officially Suffolk's Greenest Primary School! This year, we attended Suffolk's 'Creating the Greenest County' awards and, to our amazement, walked away winners!
What the judges said: “Heath Primary School has delivered an incredibly broad range of environmental activities, from introducing energy monitors and wildlife ambassadors, to being awarded the first ‘Plastic Clever School’ in Suffolk and working with the local community in several areas. The judges all agreed that Heath Primary has a really strong pupil action focus and curriculum design, very inspiring. Well done!”
It's Official: Heath is two-time Eco-School with Distinction!
For the second year in a row, we have been award The Green Flag with distinction! It's an enormous achievement, and our pupils should be incredibly proud.
The first 'Plastic Clever School' in Suffolk!
The Eco-Code
Our 2023-24 Eco Council has worked hard to create an Eco-Code that demonstrates our commitment to improving our environmental performance and doing all we can to protect our planet.
What have we been up to?
Click here to see our Instagram page and what we've been up to!
Another successful Book Swap!
This academic year, we've hosted two successful book swaps. In December 2023, we managed to rehome over 700 books! In April 2024, we found new homes for over 750 books! It's great to see we're saving so many books from landfill.
Litter Pick with Rubbish Walks
On Saturday 17th June 2023, volunteers from the school and Kesgrave Wombles came to help the Eco Council and Rubbish Walks clean up the school and local area. We picked up over 4,000 pieces of litter! This sounds like a lot, but the it was less than last year, and the litter was all dated 2023. This is great news as it means we haven't got lots of old litter in the school's local area.
Fairtrade Bake Sale
Did you attend our Fairtrade bake sale? Ann Fox reached out to us after seeing last year's Eco-Code and saw that we encourage everyone to 'open their mind to Fairtrade'. She was very impressed and wanted to do some work with us. She attended an Eco Council meeting and helped us to host a Fairtrade bake sale. The money raised at the sale went to The Fairtrade Foundation.
Walk, Scoot or Cycle to School
The Eco Councillors and Junior Road Safety Officers hosted a walk to school event in October.
We must say a big WELL DONE to 2GH, with 81% of their pupils walking, cycling or scooting to school over the week.
On 'Clear Air Day' 2022, Suffolk County Council named us their competition winners! Our Eco Council and Heath News created a video to highlight the impact of air pollution and what we can do to help. We won ourselves some new bike and scooter racks.
We've been in the news!
15th July 2022
Heath Primary School have been in the local newspaper following our success. If you want to read the article fully, click on the picture below.
2023-34 Meeting Minutes
- Meeting 1 - October 2023
- Meeting 2 - November 2023
- Meeting 3 - January 2024
- Meeting 4 - January 2024 - Energy Monitors
- Meeting 5 - July 2024